sábado, novembro 01, 2008


Eis a razão pela qual o meu Inglês anda pelas ruas da amargura...

If I was a better man
Would fellow men take me to their hearts
If I was a stronger man
Carrying the weight of popular demand
Tell me would that alarm her
I'd never harm her at all

If I was a soldier
Captive arms I'd lay before her
If I was a sailor
Seven oceans I'd sail to her

If I was a wiser man
Would other men reach out and touch me
If I was a kinder man
Dishing up love for a hungry world
Tell me would that appease her
I want to please her again

If I was a painter
I'd paint a world that couldn't taint her
If I was her leader
On food of love from above I would feed her

If I was a poet
All my love in burning words I would show it
If I was her lover
Her eyes in kisses I would cover

Come here my baby
Oh they can't touch you now
I'll keep you safe and warm
I'll never leave you at all
Come here my baby
Oh they won't touch you
Dishing up love for a hungry world
Tell me would that appease you
I want to please you again

If I was a soldier
Captive arms I'd lay before her
If I was a sailor
Seven oceans I'd sail to her
If I was a painter
I'd paint a world that couldn't taint her
If I was her leader
On food of love from above I would feed her
If I was a poet
All my love in burning words I would show it

Midge Ure

Mas estamos sempre a aprender, não é verdade? Juro que nunca mais erro a construção condicional 'if I were'...


7 comentários:

Esplendor disse...

Confirma-se: no sec XIX, José Urcullu,na sua "Grammatica Ingleza para uso dos portuguezes", em edição de 1848, apresentava como exemplo de construção condicional: "If I were to lie in bed(...)." Um excelente exemplo, aliás; Era o que eu devia estar a fazer... "if i were't a poor exploited teacher...".


Esplendor disse...

Confirma-se: no sec XIX, José Urcullu,na sua "Grammatica Ingleza para uso dos portuguezes", em edição de 1848, apresentava como exemplo de construção condicional: "If I were to lie in bed(...)." Um excelente exemplo, aliás; Era o que eu devia estar a fazer... "if i weren't a poor exploited teacher...".


Sónia Duarte disse...

Mias claro ainda:

"Se eu fõra, se tu fôras, etc. se traduz por "if I was" ou "was I": ou melhor "if I were" ou "Were I" etc.

Sónia Duarte disse...

PD: a citação anterior é da mesma obra de Urcullu anteriormente referida.

Esplendor disse...

«"Se eu fõra, se tu fôras, etc. se traduz por "if I was" ou "was I": ou melhor "if I were" ou "Were I" etc.»

Confesso que agora fiquei confusa: afinal 'If I was' é ou não aceitável?


Esplendor disse...

Urcullu, diz (-sublinho) "ou melhor" e é esse "ou melhor" que diz tudo e a que eu achei piada.


Esplendor disse...

Portanto "if I were you", ouvia o nosso amigo Manel...
